

Beaches Of India / Search results for "Auroville"

Things To Know About Surfing On South Indian Beaches

Did you know that the word ‘SURF’ originated in India back in the 1600’s? The etymology of the word can be traced back to 1685 when the Portuguese occupied majority of the western coastline of India. They discovered the word ‘suffe’ which meant coastline and soon...

Isha Tomar

10 Popular Beaches in South India

The southern part of India is known not only for its exquisite natural beauty but also for its rich cultural heritage. Now, south India is also renowned for several tourist hotspots such as hill stations and beaches. In terms of beaches, the south of India...

Isha Tomar

Top 6 must visit Beaches in Puducherry

India is a country that currently consists of “7 union territories” as per the constitution. Now, a few of these union territories are popular tourist destinations. One such union territory that is popular with tourists (national as well as international) is Puducherry or Pondicherry. There...

Isha Tomar